On November 5th 2012 we the people will march on Washington DC peacefully and unarmed to arrest all members of congress, the president, and all supreme court justices where they will be held without bond until a full independent investigation and trial have been completed. We must re-elect our government within 90 days in order to stave of unrest.
The rEVOLution to Restore the Republic of the United States
First of all please know that this is not a Protest!!!!
This is a Citizen Action.
We need to organize a citizens arrest of all parties involved in the various criminal acts that have put our country as well as our world in jeopardy. This is going to be a lot of people but none the less it must be done. Hopefully there are some Sheriffs, US Marshals, and military personnel that will remember their oaths to this country upon the taking of this action by the people and lend their support and expertise in bringing known criminals to justice.
What we must do.
The time has come. There are many, many reasons as to why it has come to this but the most important ones are as follows:
First of all it should be perfectly clear that the voting system is not only rigged but also criminally negligent in the handling of our elections from at least 2000 if not further back.
Secondly it should be abundantly clear that the US government has declared war on the American people via such illegal acts as the Homeland Security, Patriot, and National Defense Authorization acts as ALL of the aforementioned acts violate the plain english of the Constitution in one way shape or form.
Third the Supreme Court has failed us in their duty to hear such Constitutional violations much less put a stop to them.
Fourth the President has made himself dictator through various presidential signing statements.
Fifth the US Government has allowed corporations to give orders to America via wars of aggression for resources as well as the many bank bailouts which essentially amount to strong armed robbery of North America as well as the rest of the world.
And finally the police, military, courts, politicians, etc. have failed us in their duty to protect us from tyranny and to have stopped this tyranny from ever having taken hold in the first place.
****We will be meeting at the Washington Memorial at 8am
on November 5th,2012****
See our Website here:
http://marchondcnov5th.wordpress.com/Join our Group on Facebook here:
Q: Is this a protest?
A: No, this is citizen action to organize a citizens arrest of the
criminal element within the United States government.
Q: Is this a violent event? Arresting people sounds like violence.
A: No, this is a peaceful action for the people of the United States of America to regain control of their government, arrest and investigate any & all wrong doing, and to bring the guilty to justice. While arresting is a form of assault in this case its justified due to the nature of the crimes.
Q: Doesnt the Congress and the President have immunity to arrest and most prosecution?
A: They have diplomatic immunities they have given themselves over the years as well as protections in the Constitution. Due to the nature of the crimes being high treason we believe that all immunities should be voided temporarily until a Congressional review can take place on such immunities. In any case once this action takes place and is successful the Unites States government will be temporarily suspended in order to facilitate a transfer of power back to the people. We believe this period should be no more than 90 days.
Q: What gives anyone the authority to attempt such an action?
A: The Declaration of Independence having been adopted by the
Constitutional Congress not only gives we the people the authority it also gives us the responsibility to act: "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
Q: How are we supposed to arrest government officials if we are unarmed?
A: If we have large enough numbers nothing is impossible. The Colonies defeated the British with only 3% of the population being loyal to the rebels.
Q: Wont they just arrest or shoot us?
A: Yes they will attempt to arrest or shoot us but they are already doing that at many protests around the country. If we can gather just 3% of the population at the Capital this amount will be far too many for them to be able to arrest or shoot easily. Lets hope they are stupid enough to tryand arrest or kill that many Americans as we believe this will bring the Oath Keepers, sympathetic military, and general armed populace to our aid securing the moral high ground with the people.
Q: Wouldnt an armed revolt be a better idea?
A: In this case no. They only know how to fight armed people. They only understand how to control violent attack as when they are attacked they can claim the moral high ground as it has been with the last few illegal wars claiming Iraq and Afghanistan had been a threat to the US. The Hopi Indians have defeated the US government in this way as a Hopi will not attempt to stop one from killing them. Through this tactic the US government has found it difficult to find mercenaries to kill a group of people who would not fight back.
Q: Should we not fight back if they begin murdering or arresting us?
A: We are not suggesting that we not ever fight back in the face of violence. We are merely suggesting that this action remain peaceful until the government becomes violent and begins arresting or shooting the people. This is when we will call upon the armed populace, Oath Keepers, and military to protect us.
Q: Will we be arresting the government officials, or are we just detaining them?
A: When we gather at Washington DC, we will organize either an arrest or detainment, depending on what The People have chosen at that time. An arrest will require placing charges before the march, whereas a detainment can give us time to place charges on the officials.
Q: What charges will be brought to the criminals?
A: Treason, Extortion, Racketeering, Conspiracy to commit crimes against Humanity, War crimes, Breech of the Geneva Conventions, Violation of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, along with other violations of International and Domestic Laws
Q: We are going to arrest All government officials? What about those who have not done anything wrong? Some voted against all those bad laws and got marginalized for it. Should we arrest them too?
A: Yes. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty, and if the official has done nothing wrong, then they will be released and given their position of office back to them.
Q: What about the fact that Washington DC is not a part of the United States of America, but is only a District, will that hinder our goal?
A: No. There are two entities running our country, the United States of America is the Republic government created by the states, for the states, created by the people, for the people, and there is also the US government, which is a corporate government, or corporation. This federal government, should be called the United States of America, Incorporated.
Our Declaration of Independence gives us the freedom to abolish any governments that have sustained oppression and derogation of the People, "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
Q: Is this part of the Occupy or Tea Party Movements?
A: No, both movements mentioned are protest movements as this is not a protest but rather a citizen action. This is a response to the US government ignoring the petition of redress of grievances put forth by both of these movements.
Q: Who is the leader of this action?
A: This is a leaderless action. There is no individual or group that speaks solely for the action.
Q: Is this part of the Anonymous Movement?
A: No, there is no Anonymous movement. There is no single individual or group that is Anonymous. Everyone is Anonymous and yet no one is Anonymous. Anonymous works in cells and individually and this is why Anonymous cant ever be stopped.
We are Legion, Expect us.