Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 10, 2012


Citizen of the Word (Citoyen du Monde)

Together for the revolution the 5th of November 2012

(Tous ensembles pour la révolution le 5 novembre 2012)

The oppression of our governments take us all to the revolution! no more lies react! one day people will take the power, and that day will be the 5th of november 2012!
All united for the same cause is a duty! Citizen of the world it is time for the event! We are legion!

We need all of you!! join us...

Invite at least 500 people, spread the word on cyberspace and at work/school. Your goverment has failed.

What is the 5th of November?:

L'oppression de nos gouvernements nous emmènera tous vers la révolution !!! finis les mensonges réagissons !! un jour le peuple reprendra le pouvoir !! tous unis pour la même cause est un devoir !! citoyen du monde il est temps de la manifestation!! car nous somme légion

Nous avons besoin de vous tous !!! rejoignez nous ....

Qu'est ce le 5 novembre ?? regarder les liens ci-dessous

We are Anonymous
We are legion
We do not forget
We do not forgive
Expect us!

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